C++ (Qt)void spin(int &iteration){ const int work = 1000 * 1000 * 40; volatile int v = 0; for (int j = 0; j < work; ++j) ++v; qDebug() << "iteration" << iteration << "in thread" << QThread::currentThreadId();} ... // Create a QFutureWatcher and connect signals and slots. QFutureWatcher<void> futureWatcher; QObject::connect(&futureWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), &dialog, SLOT(reset())); QObject::connect(&dialog, SIGNAL(canceled()), &futureWatcher, SLOT(cancel())); QObject::connect(&futureWatcher, SIGNAL(progressRangeChanged(int,int)), &dialog, SLOT(setRange(int,int))); QObject::connect(&futureWatcher, SIGNAL(progressValueChanged(int)), &dialog, SLOT(setValue(int))); // Start the computation. futureWatcher.setFuture(QtConcurrent::map(vector, spin)); // Display the dialog and start the event loop. dialog.exec(); futureWatcher.waitForFinished(); // Query the future to check if was canceled. qDebug() << "Canceled?" << futureWatcher.future().isCanceled();}