#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <curses.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <time.h>int current_getch;int doloop = 1;static WINDOW *mainwnd;static WINDOW *screen;WINDOW *my_win;int now_sec, now_min, now_hour, now_day, now_wday, now_month, now_year;time_t now;struct tm *now_tm;void screen_init(void){ mainwnd = initscr(); noecho(); cbreak(); nodelay(mainwnd, TRUE); refresh(); // 1) wrefresh(mainwnd); screen = newwin(13, 27, 1, 1); box(screen, ACS_VLINE, ACS_HLINE);}static void update_display(void){ curs_set(0); mvwprintw(screen,1,1,"-------- HEADER --------"); mvwprintw(screen,3,6,"TIME: %d:%d:%d", now_hour, now_min, now_sec); mvwprintw(screen,5,6,"DATE: %d-%d-%d", now_day, now_month, now_year); mvwprintw(screen,7,6,"PRESS q TO END"); mvwprintw(screen,10,1,"-------- FOOTER --------"); wrefresh(screen); refresh();}void screen_end(void){ endwin();}void maketime(void){ // Get the current date/time now = time (NULL); now_tm = localtime (&now); now_sec = now_tm->tm_sec; now_min = now_tm->tm_min; now_hour = now_tm->tm_hour; now_day = now_tm->tm_mday; now_wday = now_tm->tm_wday; now_month = now_tm->tm_mon + 1; now_year = now_tm->tm_year + 1900;}int main(void){ screen_init(); while (doloop) { current_getch = getch(); if (current_getch == 113) { doloop = 0; } maketime(); update_display(); sleep(1); } screen_end(); printf("TEST ENDS\n"); return 0;}