Скачал luabind
http://sourceforge.net/projects/luabind/files/luabind/0.9/luabind-0.9.zip/downloadСкачал boost
http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.43.0/boost_1_43_0.zip/downloadДальше сделал как описано в INSTALL у luabind
The environment variable "BOOST_ROOT" must be set to the directory where Boost
was extracted. "LUA_PATH" must be set to a directory where Lua binaries and
headers reside. The recommended way to get the Lua libraries is to download the
"DLL and Includes" package from:
http://luabinaries.luaforge.net/download.htmlWith these enviroment variables properly set:
$ set BOOST_ROOT=...
$ set LUA_PATH=...
$ bjam stage
Вобщем получил dll и lib файл.
дальше добавил в свой проект
extern "C"
#include "lua.h"
#include <luabind/luabind.hpp>
И вот как только добаваляю эти строчки появляется куча ошибок.