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В Qwt 25 примеров + doxygen-документация
У QCustomPlot всего 4 примера, но графики вполне простые и удобные. Документацию можно встроить в Qt для вызова по F1
http://www.qcustomplot.com/index.php/support/documentationThe integration of the qch file is pretty straight forward: Copy the qcustomplot.qch file to a place where it should be stored (e.g. the local QtCreator config directory). In QtCreator, go to the program settings and find the Help section. In the tab Documentation, you see a list of loaded documentation modules and some buttons to add/remove modules. Click the Add... button and select the qcustomplot.qch file in the appearing dialog.
That's it! Now, when you place the cursor on any QCustomPlot related class or function, press F1 and the corresponding documentation entry pops up. Just like you know it from Qt components.